The Golden Girls LIVE! The Christmas Episodes 2023
The holidays are on their way and that only means one thing…The Golden Girls Live Christmas Episodes are coming back!
Take 4 drag legends, cast them in two parody Xmas episodes of the uproarious TV show: THE GOLDEN GIRLS, and you have the perfect holiday event for the entire family! In what has become a yearly tradition, this drag send-up is a heart-felt tribute to the four characters the entire world has come to know and love. And a tribute to the one and only, Heklina. Thank you for being a friend.
This years cast features Matthew Martin (Blanche), D’Arcy Drollinger (Rose), and Holotta Tymes (Sophia) and Coco Peru as Dorothy, as well as Michael Phillis and Manuel Caneri.
The Golden Girls LIVE! The Christmas Episodes 2023
The holidays are on their way and that only means one thing…The Golden Girls Live Christmas Episodes are coming back!
Take 4 drag legends, cast them in two parody Xmas episodes of the uproarious TV show: THE GOLDEN GIRLS, and you have the perfect holiday event for the entire family! In what has...