"Hosted by Glama and D'Arcy Drollinger, this live drag show features performances on the Oasis stage from fabulous performers like
Nikki Jizz
Ms Rahni
Dulce de Leche
Sgt Die Wies
Effervescence Jackson
And more!
This isn't your typical digital drag show, numbers are coming at you from the stage- just like a drag show in person (but you don't have to leave your couch!)
GOOD DRAG is included in your OasisTV subscription, or available to non-members for $10. Get yours now!"
Up Next in Live Streams
Join trixxie carr streaming from the NEON GOTHIC UNICORN for an extremely unique manifestation of music appreciation...This show is meant for the passengers aboard the NGU space cruise, but is now finally being streamed back to Earth.0 as well! Preparing to party, trixxie revisits her favorite al...
Dandy - Live! 2/25/21
Leigh Crow and Ruby Vixen will host an evening of some of our favorite numbers from the first three years of Dandy.
We've got numbers from Nine Inch Males, Madd Dogg 20/20 & Miss Sugana, Kegel Kater, Meatflap, Tyson Check'in, Kitten on The Keys, Leigh Crow, Ruby Vixen and More!
You can tune i... -
Snaxx's Birthday Drag Show 3/18/21
This livestream will be free for everyone (no subscription required), $10 suggested donation.
To combat the blues of having her 2nd birthday in quarantine, Snaxx is throwing a big birthday drag show!Hosted by Snaxx and Lisa Frankenstein, this show features some of Snaxx's favorite femme perfor...